Complexity of Life Conference 2024

Bridging complexity scales and biological systems


The conference of University of Graz' Field of Excellence

COLIBRI - Complexity of Life in Basic Research and Innovation


From 23.09.24 to 27.09.24, 09:00-13:00h

[0011EG0050] Hörsaal HS 11.01, Heinrichstraße 36, Erdgeschoß

Deciphering the relations between the different dynamical and structural levels coexisting in complex systems is key to understanding their functioning, but also represents a formidable challenge. From biomolecules to cells, from cells to complex organs, from individuals to ecosystems at large; nowhere is this challenge more arduous than when we try to understand life. Addressing it requires a collective, creative and necessarily interdisciplinary effort. This conference aims to gather scientists of different areas, from experimental biology to physics or mathematics to discuss current advances on the topic, one of the key research questions of the science of the XXI century.