Registration ends 02.11.2017, 15:00
What is exile?
What is freedom?
Who deserves it?
How do we make use of the freedoms granted to us?
Where is home?
When does art change the world?
Alicia Kozameh, a writer, exiled from Argentina to later settle in the USA, a political prisoner in her early youth, an activist, a professor of creative writing, will guide us through her published texts, her drawings and writings from her years of imprisonment, and talk about her understanding of the role of art and artists in political life, about, in the terms of Jean-Paul Sartre, the ‘committed literature’ of our times, about the ‘prison cells’ created by society and the individual.
- WHEN: November 8, 7pm
- WHERE: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Graz, Leechgasse 24, 8010 Graz
Workshop with Reading. The Personal, the Political, and the Creative: Alicia Kozameh.
In alumniINSIDE (login nur für Mitglieder) oder an alumni(at) bis zum Donnerstag, 02. November 2017.