Fiasco Fest 2024: Celebrate your career fiascos with a community

How to joyfully move from rejection and failure to your best professional self (Kombüse Graz)

17:30 - 20:00
PostDoc Office

Do you celebrate things you tried that didn't work out? Do you acknowledge work put into rejected proposals, conference talks, job applications? Sharing professional fiascos (in a fun and community-minded manner) can put them into perspective.

Rejection is a normal part of academia - and we aim to make it fun! The Fiasco Fest is a night where career misfortunes in academia are shared, snacks & drinks are served, laughs are had, and we celebrate each other as the excellent researchers we are, resiliently moving towards our best professional selves. This year, we meet in an actual nightclub, which will be reserved just for us!

  • Registration via ESRA: Fiasco Fest 
  • Facilitator: Mag.a Sabine Bergner (University of Graz), leadership and entrepreneurship expert, psychologist
  • Target group: Postdoctoral researchers and later-stage doctoral candidates from all the universities in Graz
  • Location: Kombüse Graz, Erzherzog-Johann-Allee 2, 8010 Graz (on the edge of the Stadtpark)