Would you like to help us become climate-neutral as a society? Or do you want to research new medicines? Or would you prefer to work for the protection of human rights? Studying at the University of Graz opens many doors for you. Choose the one that suits you best from about 120 studies! Or maybe you don't know yet what or if you should study at all? No matter, everything you want to know, you will find out on our study portal:
- in video chat during our online info sessions
- with our Online Self Assessments (OSA)
- in other offers for pupils
Register now for the admission procedure for Biology, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences/Pharmacy, Psychology, Law and Teacher Training!
If you would like to start the Bachelor's programme in Biology, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Psychology or Teacher Training, the Diploma programme in Law, the Master's programme in Pharmacy or the Master's programme in Psychology at the University of Graz in the winter semester 2023/24, don't forget to register for the admission process in time! Registration is open.
More information at https://studienzugang.uni-graz.at and at https://www.zulassunglehramt.at