What is the best way to solve crimes and prevent future ones? How reliable is the evidence presented in a trial? And which experts can help to find the truth? These are the questions Nina Kaiser is interested in. They play an important role in court practice, especially when it comes to avoiding wrongful convictions and imposing appropriate sentences. But the law cannot provide the proper answers on its own. The diversity of crime scenes and offenders, as well as the constantly evolving forensic sciences necessitate the cooperation of experts from several disciplines. Therefore, Kaiser is building bridges between forensic disciplines, criminology, criminalistics and law. In her research, she investigates how such a cooperation can succeed and be optimised to solve and prevent crimes.
Dr.iur. Nina Kaiser
+43 316 380 - 6668
Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Criminology
By appointment only
Why criminal sciences at the University of Graz?
Nina Kaiser conducts research at the Hans Gross Centre for Interdisciplinary Criminal Sciences (ZiK) at the University of Graz. The centre brings together expertise from various fields and promotes networking with experts from outside the university. This revitalises research and gives law students an insight into a wide range of activities - from crime scene work to digital terror investigations.