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Eine Studierende sitzt in der Universitätsbibliothek mit einem Buch an einem Tisch vor einem Bücherregal; vor ihr sind verschwommen zwei weitere Studierende zu sehen.

Doctoral Programme of Catholic Theology

Faculty of Catholic Theology

University degree

Doctor of Theology „Dr. theol.“

Start of studies

Winter term 2025/26

Duration of study

6 semesters

Teaching language


type of study programme


About the study programme

The Doctoral Programme of Catholic Theology provides the skills needed to write a high-quality academic paper in a theological discipline. In their doctoral thesis, students will work independently on tackling new academic questions connected with faith and religion in a church, society and practical context. The courses to be attended will give them new insights into the diversity of theological subjects and their research prospects, into the methodology used in individual areas of theological research and into organising, presenting and communicating research projects and findings.



„Expanding my knowledge, exploring unanswered questions further, pushing the boundaries of my subject – this is what the doctoral programme is continuously motivating and inspiring me to do. At the University of Graz, I’m also fortunate enough to receive outstanding supervision and support as I make progress on my research project. “


Deadlines for application

The submission deadlines for admission applications vary depending on the doctoral programme.

Further information

Questions about Doctoral Programmes?

The Doctoral Academy is happy to help you!

Personal meetings by appointment only.
Heinrichstraße 22/2, 8010 Graz
+43 316 380 - 1212

Send us a message!

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