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Studierende gehen im Grünen vor dem Hauptgebäude der Uni Graz und unterhalten sich fröhlich miteinander.

Interfaculty doctoral programme in Teaching Methodology

Inter-faculty study programme

University degree

Doctor of Philosophy „PhD“

Start of studies

Winter term 2025/26

Duration of study

6 semesters

Teaching language


type of study programme


About the study programme

The interfaculty doctoral programme in Teaching Methodology facilitates scholarly investigation of questions related to teaching methodology in the context of educational institutions (schools, universities, research centres etc.). The focus is on teaching and learning processes in various different subject areas, with reference to cultural, social, societal, and personal contexts and influences. Doctoral candidates prepare a thesis, tackling new academic questions through independent research work. They extend and intensify their theoretical knowledge, as well as their methodological and interdisciplinary skills.


„A particularly enriching aspect of the doctoral programme in Teaching Methodology is the interdisciplinary discussion and exchange during the annual summer school. This not only gives me a chance to get comprehensive feedback for my work from a wide range of perspectives, but also gives me some insights into the approaches to work and thinking that are used in other subject areas and broadens my (research) horizons in lots of ways.“


Deadlines for application

The submission deadlines for admission applications vary depending on the doctoral programme.

Further information

Questions about Doctoral Programmes?

The Doctoral Academy is happy to help you!

Personal meetings by appointment only.
Heinrichstraße 22/2, 8010 Graz
+43 316 380 - 1212

Send us a message!

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