Developing solutions for the world of tomorrow - that is our mission. Our students and our researchers take on the great challenges of society and carry the knowledge out.
Developing solutions for the world of tomorrow - that is our mission. Our students and our researchers take on the great challenges of society and carry the knowledge out.
Scientific excellence and the courage to break new ground. Research at the University of Graz creates the foundations for making the future worth living.
Scientific excellence and the courage to break new ground. Research at the University of Graz creates the foundations for making the future worth living.
Where is the best place to study? At the University of Graz. In an inspiring atmosphere of learning and research. With about 120 studies to choose from. For your way to the future.
Where is the best place to study? At the University of Graz. In an inspiring atmosphere of learning and research. With about 120 studies to choose from. For your way to the future.
The University of Graz is a hub for international research and brings together scientists and business experts. Moreover, it fosters the exchange and cooperation in study and teaching.
The University of Graz is a hub for international research and brings together scientists and business experts. Moreover, it fosters the exchange and cooperation in study and teaching.
Micro-Credential Artificial intelligence and Society
Understand and responsibly apply the revolutionary changes brought about by AI
AI and society: certificate for the future
Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing our everyday lives and our working world. The micro-credential Artificial Intelligence and Society offers you a multidisciplinary training program that addresses precisely these revolutionary changes. In the key areas of technology, ethics, law, business, the world of work and education, you will develop the expertise and practical skills to not only understand AI systems, but also to design and use them responsibly.
Micro-credentials are short additional training courses or certificates that demonstrate skills or competencies in a specific area, in this case the current and innovative topic of AI and society. The focus here is on personal and job market-related skills.
You will deepen your understanding of the methods and technologies behind AI applications, enabling you not only to analyze AI, but also to actively shape and apply it. You will also learn about the legal aspects of AI systems to ensure that your applications are legally compliant and that potential risks are identified. Ethical considerations will help you to derive and apply guidelines for responsible AI practice. You will also gain insights into the impact of AI on the world of work, economic structures and education and learn how to analyze and understand these changes.
You do not have to apply for the micro-credential or register for the additional training. Simply register in UNIGRAZonline for the individual courses of the micro-credential (see structure and outline) during the registration period before the semester starts.
Would you like a reminder? Sign up now for our reminder service using your student email address and we will remind you before the beginning of the semesterto register for the courses of the Micro-Credential!
As soon as you have successfully completed all the required courses of modules A, B and C with a total of 16 ECTS, write an email to The certificate will be issued after your achievements have been checked.
What is a Micro-Credential (MC)?
What can I expect?
Who can complete the MC?
How do I register for the MC?
How do I get my certificate?
3 reasons in favor of the micro-credential AI and society
Practical training
Theory and practice combined - practical applications and recognized certificate
More career opportunities
You acquire AI skills for a wide range of career opportunities
Learn from leading AI experts and actively shape the future
„Would you like to know how ChatGPT works "behind the scenes" and why it often hallucinates? Are you interested in the legal and ethical aspects of new AI applications? Or do you want to be fit for a job market in which AI is playing an increasingly important role? Then you've come to the right place.“
Prof. Jana Lasser, IDea_Lab Universität Graz
It is recommended to complete the courses of the Micro-Credential AI and Society after successful completion of the STEOP.
The subject bundle of the micro-credentials consists of courses within the scope of the free electives. You must register for each of the micro-credential courses in UGO. Please note the prerequisites for the individual courses.
As the course content builds on each other, the modules must be completed in the intended order, A, B, C. A prerequisite for admission to the courses in module B is the successful completion of the VO of module A. For the internship and the VU in the summer semester, the courses of module B must be successfully completed beforehand. Please note that in order to successfully complete module C.1, you must take module C.2 at the same time - in other words: module C.2 can only be taken if you take module C.1 at the same time!
Course B.1 is compulsory. Course B.2 consists of sub-courses that each cover different fields of activity; you can choose one of the sub-courses. To obtain the certificate, you must successfully complete module B.1 and a sub-course from module B.2.
Questions about the micro-credential AI and society?
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