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During the programme

When students change study programmes, take multiple study programmes, or restart a study programme, it is often necessary to have courses recognised so that the ECTS credit points already completed also count towards the desired study programme. The equivalence list in the curriculum is helpful here. Applications for recognition are submitted on UNIGRAZonline.


The basic module at the University of Graz comprises introductory courses designed to facilitate subject-specific, faculty-wide and university-wide orientation at the university at the beginning of the study programme. It comprises around 30 ETCS credit points. The entire basic module consists of three parts, with the (1) subject-specific and (2) faculty-wide basic module being mandatory in the respective curriculum and the (3) university-wide basic module capable of being completed as part of the free elective courses. A certificate can be obtained after completing all three parts.

Basic module

An application for leave of absence can be made for one or more (max. 6) semesters and is valid for all programmes taken at the University of Graz. While taking leave of absence for a semester, the UNIGRAZonline account remains active and students are obliged to pay the Austrian National Union of Students fee. The semesters will no longer count towards the study programme. Students cannot attend courses, take examinations, or submit academic papers during this time.

Academic Affairs

Audio and video recordings during a course or lecture are prohibited. An agreement can be made which regulates all copyright issues. You can read the entire regulation in 'Hausordnung' (house rules) § 6 para. 5


In some courses of study, it is possible to complete a supplementary subject instead of the restricted elective courses. This must have a certain amount of ECTS credit points and can also be based in another faculty. The curriculum lists which supplementary subjects can be considered for your own study programme.


Prior knowledge of Biology, Latin or Greek is required during some Bachelor's / Diploma programmes. The precise timing is also stated in the curriculum. A supplementary examination must be taken if the subjects were not covered to the appropriate standard at school (Latin and Greek 10 hours per week in the sixth form respectively; Biology or Biology combined with other subjects 4 hours per week in the sixth form). The supplementary examination for Latin and Greek can be taken directly at the University after completing a two-semester course. However, the examination may also be taken with external providers (subject to a fee) or at a school.

Supplementary examinations at the University of Graz

The exmatriculation is the deregistration from a course of study. This can take place either actively or automatically. It is possible to deregister from the study programme in person at or by email to the Academic Affairs Office at any time, i.e. including outside the admission periods. Any students who do not pay their Austrian National Union of Students fee or tuition fees within the given deadlines will be automatically exmatriculated. This exmatriculation applies to all open courses of study. Students will also be automatically deregistered from their study programme upon successful completion of this programme. They will remain enrolled if they have begun other studies or are starting a master’s programme.

Academic Affairs

A joint programme is a joint study programme (bachelor’s/master’s/doctorate) that is implemented based on an agreement between one or more internationally recognised tertiary education institutions in the form of a joint, double or multiple degree programme. As part of this study programme, students must complete a mandatory study abroad period at a minimum of one of the partner universities and acquire a fixed number of ECTS credit points. A joint programme is a joint study programme (bachelor’s/master’s/doctorate) that is implemented based on an agreement between one or more internationally recognised tertiary education institutions in the form of a joint, double or multiple degree programme. As part of this study programme, students must complete a mandatory study abroad period at a minimum of one of the partner universities and acquire a fixed number of ECTS credit points.

Joint Programmes

The board examination is held by an examination board consisting of several teachers and a chairperson. The final examination for the study programme, for example, is a board examination. However, students are also entitled to submit an application to the board to hold an examination after the second retake of an examination of a course (third sitting). From the third retake (fourth sitting), the examination shall in any case be held by the board.


Students have the opportunity to evaluate the courses they have attended via a questionnaire in UGO. The prerequisite is that the course is evaluated this semester. Students provide important suggestions about the course and reflect on their learning process. The answers are anonymous. In addition to the lecturers, the Dean of Studies and the Vice-Rectorate for Studies and Teaching are also interested in the feedback.

The Austrian National Union of Students contributes EUR 1.50 towards each dish for students in selected restaurants. In order to take advantage of this discount, students need to get the “Mensa (cafeteria) stamp” from the Austrian National Union of Students Office.

Mensa stamp


Students at a university within Austria (note: not students at a university of applied sciences or other tertiary institution) can also register at another university as a co-registered student in order to attend specific courses there as part of their study programme. If the main university is located outside of Graz, students must provide a confirmation that the courses they wish to attend at the University of Graz are not offered at the main university.

Academic Affairs

If you have forgotten or missed to change the password of your student's account in time, you need a new PIN code. In order to receive it you need your personal/temporary mail address (which you have to have entered in UGO before) or your Austrian social security number. You will get a mail to your given mail address with your new PIN code after a few minutes. Then you can enter it at online.uni-graz.at when clicking on "Forgot your password?".

new PIN code

If you do not have a personal mail address or an Austrian social security number, you can go and get your new PIN code at the uniIT (Infopoint RESOWI) or the Academic Affairs' Office in person.

An characteristics of the Austrian University System is expressed by the term Exam Activity ('Prüfungsaktivität' or 'Prüfungsaktives Studium'). It means that at least 16 ECTS credits are completed in a study programme during the academic year. It is important that studies and not 'heads' are counted. For example, if you are enrolled in two studies and complete 14 ECTS in one and 10 ECTS in the other, this means a total of 24 ECTS for you. Since there are less than 16 ECTS per study course, neither the first nor the second study course is considered to be exam active. 16 ECTS or more are therefore not only important for you personally and for your progress, but also for grants and subsidies.


In order to remain registered for/continue with a study programme and for courses and examinations to be completed, the Austrian National Union of Students fee or, if applicable, the Union and tuition fees must be paid each semester within the general admission period. Students registered with two universities are only required to pay the Union fee/Union fee and tuition fee once (e.g. NAWI Graz students). Students must renew their enrolment independently in good time at the university where the fee is not paid. The UNIGRAZCard can also be renewed at the service points once the enrolment is renewed.


Students are subject to different regulations for tuition fees depending on their country of origin. The tuition fee does not need to be paid multiple times for multiple studies at the University of Graz.

Academic Affairs

In certain (exceptional) circumstances students may seek exemption from tuition fees. These include disability, childcare responsibilities, pregnancy and illness.

Academic Affairs

Students can print out their confirmation of enrolment via UNIGRAZonline approximately five working days after paying their tuition or Austrian National Union of Students fees. This confirmation provides proof that they have registered for the study programme, and is often required by the tax office, the health insurance fund, and in some cases the scholarship office.

The enrolment sheet can be printed out by students themselves via UNIGRAZonline, together with all other semester documents (continuation confirmation, application for a student card, etc.). The enrolment sheet contains the precise details and study programme(s) in which the student has enrolled.


Students wishing to use public transportation in Graz and Styria get a fair price. The Topticket for students is valid for one semester and can be bought by all regular students who have not yet reached the age of 26 on the first day of validity for the student card. You will be issued a personal ticket (with photo) in the Mobility and Sales Centre of Holding Graz (Jakoministraße 1) as well as in the online shop of Holding Graz. The needed confirmation is available via UNIGRAZonline.


You can only change your course during the general admission period (with the exception of the Master’s programme). Study programmes at the University of Graz can be changed as often as a student wishes. International students who are already studying at the University of Graz and who wish to start another/additional study program must contact the International Students Office at the Office of Academic Affairs. Students are assessed there to determine whether they must apply for admission or can begin their second degree programme without needing to submit an application.


The Transcript of Records is the transcript of the study data including any recognitions – i.e. all completed ECTS. This is a certificate of study success that can be accessed via UNIGRAZonline.


UNIGRAZonline (UGO) ist the University of Graz’s information management system. It can be used, for instance, to edit personal data immediately, or retrieve examination data and information on all available courses (location, time, content, lecturer). UNIGRAZonline also provides an overview of students’ progress on their respective course. Search functions are available for persons, rooms, study programmes, courses, etc


By paying the Austrian National Union of Students fee, students are automatically insured against accidents and liability with regard to damages and accidents that may arise during their study programme or a course.


uni≡kat is the search engine for the University Library and forms a starting point for all literature research. With a single search query, it provides results on the publications held at all of the university’s libraries. This allows users to search, order and earmark items, and also to view their account. In order to borrow books, students must accept the library rules once in UNIGRAZonline.


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