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Lehrende steht bei im Seminarraum sitzenden Studierenden und erklärt etwas.

Environmental Systems Sciences / Sustainability and Innovation Management (ESS / SIM)

Master’s programme

Apply now

Faculty of Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences

University degree

Master of Science „MSc“



Start of studies

Winter term 2024/25

Duration of study

4 semesters

Teaching language


type of study programme


Sustainable innovation

What makes the study programme Environmental Systems Sciences / Sustainability and Innovation Management unique is the combination of sustainability and innovation management topics.


3 reasons to study at the University of Graz

Most striking topics

The master program addresses sustainability transitions, circular economy and climate change mitigation

Combining research and practice

The master program provides research-based and project-oriented teaching

International environment

The master program is fully taught in English

„I chose the Master’s in “Sustainability & Innovation Management” because it offers an international mix of students to work with on various projects in the area of sustainability and innovation, and allows plenty of scope for new ideas. “


Current admission period

Full details of admissions procedures and current deadlines are available on our main page.


Overview of admissions and deadlines

Questions about studying here?

4students is happy to help!

Mo - Fr: 9 am - 12 noon
Tue & Thu: 1 pm - 3 pm
Universitätsplatz 3a/II
8010 Graz
+43 316 380 - 1066

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