Getting to understand conflicts and contribute to peace.
In this module you will learn when which kind of peace is possible, which role local circumstances play for conflicts and why these are sometimes aggravated by external interventions. You'll learn how you can help make peace happen. The module prepares you to work in an international context, e.g. international organizations and (I)NGOs.
Courses & Skills
- describe conflicts in their complexity and analyse them in their social and international contexts,
- locate and name different forms of physical and non-physical violence,
- differentiate between peacebuilding strategies,
- outline peacebuilding and conflict transition strategies for application in a specific context,
- analyse human factors such as gender, group identity, (post-)colonial influences, religion or capital as well as non-human influences such as weather, climate change, natural resources or other phenomena from flora and fauna in their relevance for conflict, peacebuilding and conflict transition,
- take a scientifically based position on current armed conflicts and ways of dealing with them,
- demonstrate their ability to apply to international organisations and (I)NGOs in the field of peacebuilding.