1.2 million euros FWF funding for language change project

Congress Award of the City of Graz goes to Digital Humanities

The Digital Humanities Conference, which took place at the University of Graz in July 2023, won in the "exceptional events" category. Mayor Elke Kahr presented the award in the Stefaniensaal on Wednesday evening.

650 Millionen Euro für die Fußball-EM: Lohnt sich das Spektakel?

Die Europameisterschaft verschlingt viel Geld. Doch die Teilnehmerländer profitieren auch von solchen Sportereignissen, erklärt Wirtschaftshistoriker Walter Iber.

Bacteria in chain mail: Lactobacilli protect themselves with a lattice of proteins

We know them from the advertising for yoghurts or other probiotic foods: lactobacilli. They play an important role in the gut, but also in the microbiome of mucous membranes in other regions of our body. Researchers at the University of Graz have now succeeded for the first time in elucidating the three-dimensional structure of the protein layer on the surface of lactobacilli. It protects the bacteria like chain mail against external attacks. This knowledge is valuable. It opens up new possibilities for the treatment of intestinal diseases and for better drug delivery systems. The new findings were published in the scientific journal PNAS.

Honorary doctorate for marketing expert

The University of Graz awarded Lisa K. Scheer, an internationally recognized expert in the field of business-to-business marketing, an honorary doctorate on Thursday, 13 June 2024, at the request of the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.